Saturday 19 August 2017

Get yoursens down Monty's Deli

Other than world peace, is there anything more palatable than an overfilled meat sandwich? Monty's Deli is in Hoxton, achingly trendy but do a fucking immense butty which comes with a pickle the size of your conk. Check it.

A very Scottish wedding

We travelled up the spine of the UK at the end of July for a wedding in Scotland. The wedding was bo (big up Bron and Phil) but one of the major moments was discovering a new food. The Macaroni pie! Right on Nicola Sturgeon for allowing this to happen in her lands. May - take note you troll.

A new species of food 

Inspecting the aga

Where Nicola Sturgeon does all her dumps 

A very long sausage roll

A rainbow - I deleted a load of photos and apps to make space for it, then five minutes later it rained so hard that we couldn't see anything

Cloud eggs

It's hard to say how much our gaff loves eggs but in every shape, size and form, we're huge, dedicated fans. From scrambled to scotch, we'll snaffle them up whatever way they come with a snarl on our chops and a wanton disregard for becoming eggbound.

So with this kind of fire in our loins, you can imagine how excited we were to learn of the new 'craze' for cloud eggs. They resemble cumulus nimbus with yolks and involve separating the whites and beating them into stiff peaks, then baking the blighters. Who doesn't like getting on that? Yeah mate.