Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Keeping it rude Sheffield style...

February 19th sees the next Rude Movements party going on in Sheffield. If we're gonna reach, it's gonna mean a National Express bus there and back but the party looks fresh enough to make it worth the trip. I can already taste the aura of the man squeezed in the seat next to me. Bring it on. I'll be that man on the return journey to London. Hungover and hanging big styles. Drink it.

Ahem. Zed Bias and Toddla T are among the men doing their bit in the front room. Their collaboration, Koolade, which you can hear at the start of this Zed Bias podcast, is a right twitcher. In the back room it's Luke Unabomber and Winston Hazel. Their business reminded us of this youtube footage of legendary Sheffield night Jive Turkey which emerged some time last year. As per Winston is on it in this and the enthusiasm is large. Makes you want to get off your arse and dance to house music like a twat. Fresh flavours.

While we're in Sheff that weekend, my man, the Captain, will hopefully be interviewing the photographer Shawn Bloodworth. He's known as the dude who has documented much of the key figures in London's ever burgeoning dubstep and grime scene and does a great job of making the gaunt look even gaunter. If you head over to his website (which is here) you can watch a short film he made documenting what was going on in Sheffield's night life during 2010. Both bits of footage have been kicking about for a while but that weekend has a nice bit of symmetry agwaning - Old and new meet each other somewhere in South Yorks. Check the trailer for the Bloodworth film below...

Minds Locked Together (Trailer) from BRAINFEEDER on Vimeo.

Send a salami to your boy in the army

Writing tings has been on the agenda during the last week or so... Gone in hard on the new faces of UK funky, when in fact they might not even be from the UK.

JTPR are German, on Deep Teknologi, and make seriously tough music. This is muscular in the extreme while Hackman is from Leeds and makes chunky house business

JTPR FACT website review

Hackman Made up My Mind

French dudes Baron Retif & Concepcion Perez also made the cut on a more Parisian kitchen sink sort of flex.

Baron Retif & Concepcion Perez - Superman review HYPONIK