Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Try listening to this...

...when you're in the bath. It's got a right nautical feel to it. Albeit that of a submarine going 20,000 leagues down while someone tickles yer nads with a flute made from gorilla gloves. Heavy.

I seem to be repping a lorry load of dub to the step at the mo. I can assure you I'm not turning this blog into a sausage fest. But it felt like the end of the world when Rustie dropped this at Bang Face back in Smarch. He's about 12 and very, very forward thinking. I was working out one end of a crayola from the other when I was the same age...

I'll set the balance right with this... a slice of the hi-nrg past which is as future as they come. Cowley!

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