Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Bleeps for the boize

If you're one of them grown men (or women) who receive an instant killer wood when they hear a bassbin rumble and a digital hish, they you'll know Hessle Audio. A label run by the impossibly young Ben UFO, Pearson Sound and Pangaea, they've been lording it up over the new, kinda percussive sound from way out - it's a dubsteppy, garagey, housey, bassy fusion dish - Certain types are claiming it's like mixing fish and chips with tofu it's so fucking radical. It's not - more like fish and chips and mushy peas but with an even better after taste if you're applying it to the ears. I'm feeling it but the whole sound could be picked on for being just a little over-serious.....

The first label compilation by the trio is the bloody bees knees if you're feeling this sort of shiz - The first disc is on a 'best of' vibe while the second one is where they're currently heading. I scribbled some left words on 'em for Hyponik.

Check the review over here - 116 & Rising Hyponik review while below are a few pair of choice cuts from da record. It's bass heavy and boyish...

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