Monday, 17 February 2014

Your eyes are like spanners - every time I look them, my nuts tighten

There was no January detox in our hood. Although we took the foot off the drinking gas somewhat, we didn't come slamming to an emergency stop like all the magazines tell you you should. Two fingers to that. Instead we've remained at a low level of drunkenness, enough to get through the working week with a solid spike on the pintometer of a weekend. And now we're in February, we can get back to the normal routine of having enjoying dollops of drink whenever we feel like - hurrah. 

Shit has been real throughout the early part of the year. After the glory of the darts at the Lakeside, there's been injections of culture (visiting London's Roundhouse for a showing of Fuerzabruta), delicious scran (at Mussel Men in Dalston) and the ridiculous (buying a 4kg of onions for £2 - still eating the bastards now). Here are some of the highlights... 

On the travelator

On the telly

Work shoes

Custard on toast

Dancing bear

Rabbit in a cabbage

Zoom in - turns out A Guy Called Gerald has liked a picture of my sister standing outside Greggs

Mucky breakfast

Oh deer


Reservoir up past Stoke Newington

Mussel Men's Sunday Roast

London Roundhouse - Fuerzabruta
Cameras ready, prepare to flash


Baked camembert

Love scratchies



Lamb tagine

Safety first

Pregnancy vs acid trip

Yeah bozo

Wu 4 eva


Tony Bleurgh #williammorris

Singing bastards

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